- Ice cream trucks; and
- Carnivals!
And carnivals! OMG! First I have to get a caramel apple...with nuts, of course. I absolutely LOVE caramel apples. But I don't go on any of the rides or play any of the games (unless they have skee ball, my absolute favorite). I just like to walk around and look at everything. Last year I didn't even get out of the car... I just ate my caramel apple and watched the ferris wheel. I don't know what it is about carnivals that I love so much. But every time I see a roadside carnival I have to stop, at least for a little bit. (And just so everyone knows...I'm talking carnivals not circuses. There's a difference and I don't go to circuses...unless Cirque de Soleil counts...I'd love to see one of their shows but they're so damn expensive...but I digress...) Anyway, I get so excited when I see a carnival I've almost had a few accidents with car...
Yeah, so basically I'm a five-year-old stuck in a 26-year-old's body. And, yes, I do ask for a children's menu and crayons at restaurants any opportunity I get.
So, I'm feeling a bit blah today and my blog won't have its usual zing...no foul language, no threatening people's lives, etc. It's been a lazy day of sitting outside soaking in the Vitamin D and fighting the urge to roll around on the deck like the cat. I bet dollars to donuts (mmmm...donuts) that I would get stares from neighbors and probably a visit from the super.
Blah. What else is going on? I'm addicted to Scrabble on Facebook. Since I'm my own boss right now I should probably fire myself. But I guess I'll just use the excuse that I'm expanding my vocabulary. There. That works? Doesn't it? There's gotta be a job out there that pays you based on your vocabulary. Right? Right?
Oh! And we're also buying a new car. A cute little 1996 Toyota Tercel. Why a 1996 you ask? Because of the superb craftsmanship and metal exterior which I highly prefer over the fiberglass of today's vehicles. (Did that sound smart? That's what I was going for.) Okay. Okay. The real reason is because we're poor. But it's in great shape, although our judgment might be a little skewed due to the shape of our current car.
Alright, so I obviously took too long writing this blog because I've gone from lazy-full-of-sun to angry-wanna-smash-things. MySpace drives me up the wall. The annoyance du jour is that it tells you you have new messages but...guess what...you DON'T!!! How terrible is that? They get your hopes up and then smash them down. I'm fragile...I can't deal with this! How will I know what my BFF in Australia is having for breakfast? HOW WILL I KNOW??? Seriously, though, it's really annoying. (Did ya see the South Park about the internet being down? Yeah. It's kinda like that.)
Ok. I'm done now. I hope you appreciate the fact that I expelled all of my energy for your entertainment. I'm off to go roll around on the porch...neighbors' and super's reactions be damned.
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