
Sharing the Randomness...#6

I wonder how much cat hair I consume in a day. Husband says a pound. Why, then, don't I have hairballs?

And just to be clear...I am not eating cats. It's just that they both shed so much...

UPDATE: After some quick research (and I mean quick) I found out that seagulls migrate:

Do seagulls migrate?
Some gulls do migrate, especially ones in the northern parts of the world, such as Alaska. Like other migratory birds, they go south during the winter to where the pickins' [sic] are better. The migratory patterns vary widely depending on where they reside in the summer, but they can travel thousands of miles to find better food sources. http://www.celestin.com/seagulls/faq.html


Sharing the Randomness...#5

Where do seagulls go in the winter?

I could probably look it up but I'm too lazy right now. We still have squirrels. And sparrows, starlings and grackles. And I even saw a falcon today. But no seagulls. Not that I mind. They're kinda mean and dirty. Except for the babies. They're really cute. Husband and I were at McDonald's one time, eating in the car, and the cutest little baby came up and was begging for a french fry. I woulda scooped him up and brought him home if I didn't know what he'd turn into...

I'll probably look this up later. And if I do, I'll probably share it with you. I know, I know, I can sense your excitement. We'll see. I may get distracted by something shiny.


Sharing the Randomness...#4

4. 6:30pm - I've had a splitting headache since I woke up this morning. So now, at 6:30pm, when I finally can't take it anymore, I go get some Ultra Tylenol. Pick up the bottle and am looking for the instructions (just bc I need to know the dosage not because I'm dumb like the McDonald's woman or the crazy who used deodorant somewhere other than his armpits). So I'm looking and looking when I finally see the tab on the label that says peel for more information. So I pull it back and Bob's your uncle! 500mg! Hurray! Now. Who the HELL wants to be peeling labels when they are looking to stop the mind melting pain of a headache???? The only thing worse are those damn child-proof lids. I DON'T HAVE A CHILD nor am I intending to obtain one any time soon! Luckily this bottle had an EZ-GRIP lid...or something like that. Good thing.

Anyway...hope this is at least 3/4 grammatically correct. I'm suffering through eye liquification just to amuse you people. Send money.

Sharing the Randomness...#3

3: 1:16pm - So I get out of the shower and put my deodorant on. I think, just for giggles, I'll check out what the directions say: "Apply in a thin layer...blah blah blah...APPLY TO THE UNDERARM ONLY." Really? Where else would you apply it? Let's see...what else stinks...feet? That'd be a slippery mess. Butts? I'm thinking that'd be terribly uncomfortable...and probably still smelly. I wonder if this is one of those instances where someone did something incredibly stupid with it and they had to add a warning to the packaging as part of the lawsuit. You know, like that dumbass who sued McDonald's because she dumped coffee in her lap.


Sharing the Randomness...#2

2: 3:30 pm - How weird would it be if doctors could check your blog or status update? It might say "Doug went bungee jumping today." but Doug has a heart disorder and shouldn't get the living CRAP scared out of him! Then when he goes to the doctor with chest pains the doctor can be like "It's your own damn fault jackass!" I'm sure I could think of a thousand more examples, but I work you know!

Sharing the Randomness...

So I've decided to start blogging about the randomness that goes through my brain throughout the day. It's way too bizarre to keep to myself. I'll try to explain what it's like...it's like weird thoughts swirling around, sometimes it's made-up movies with characters and dialogue, and sometimes I have no idea! Don't worry...it's not multiple personality disorder...my doctor said so.

So there is likely to be a HUGE increase in entries...albeit smaller ones. Hope you enjoy!

1: 12:15am - Wouldn't it be interesting if the US Treasury picked some people, gave them some bags and told them they could keep however much money they could grab in 30 seconds? The catch is that if you don't make it out by the time limit they lock you in the vault forever and you'd be forced to eat money until the day you die. Which, if you ask me, is a perfect punishment for being greedy!

So, there you go. First entry. I feel better already! But I bet you feel worse!



Nowhere is safe! I had forgotten that the unlatched door on the roof of the apartment building across from us slams open and shut any time the wind blows! I suppose my only option is to borrow the earplugs Husband wears when I snore!

It Can't Be Spring Soon Enough! Then I'll Have Some Peace!

I am ready to SCREAM! Neighbors are the bain of my existence. Well, maybe not that bad...but still. Tonight everyone needs to SHUT THE EF UP! I've got some guy slamming away like he's taking an ax to a corpse. I've got a whiny ass dog barking (altho it sounds more like dying). I've got a man yelling at a little girl while a baby is screaming in the background. I'm surprised the fabulous people upstairs haven't been moving furniture, dropping marbles or slamming drawers like they usually do all day and night! ARG! Time to go outside where, shockingly, it's quiet! Too bad it's -8C!