So here is what I had so far. If you're lucky I might even add a little sumfin-sumfin afterward:
So this morning I was leaving to take DH to work and go to the doctor. When we walked out of the lobby we saw this:

I almost peed myself laughing. You would think if the guy took the time to write the note and then put it on the paper, he would've at least taken the paper with him! Anyway, it was a funny way to start the day. Unfortunately it only got worse from there.
So I'm sitting at the doctor's office waiting for my turn and hear someone checking in. I swear the receptionist said: "Ok. And I will destroy your soul." I'm pretty sure she didn't say that, but that's what I heard. And I can't think of anything that even remotely sounds like that, so I have no idea what she really said. Granted, I left out this tidbit of information when I went in to talk to the doctor. Lord knows what would have happened if I told him!
And I don't know if I blogged about this before, and if I did you get to hear it again, but when I'm in a doctor's office, I want to know what everyone has. I try to guess, but that doesn't really work in a therapist's wait room. Now if you were in an emergency room, it might be a little easier. "Oh, I wonder what's wrong with that guy. Let's see. Nail in head, bleeding from ear. Hmmmm. Broken leg? No. Heart attack? Maybe..."
I know. I know. Fascinating stuff! Try to keep yourself contained!
And I can't think of anything else to say right now. I'm distracted by Scrabble on Facebook and sending pictures of Pee Wee's Playhouse characters to Oompa Loompa. (Yeah. Try to figure that one out! It's all true. I swear.)