That just solves one of my woes, though. I had a pretty shitty day today: broke my favorite coffee mug from Atlanta, walked into a door, the store was out of 2% milk, and I knocked my container of laundry detergent down the stairs bringing in groceries, making a HUGE mess all over our shoes. Fun times. If there was an award for getting shit on, I'd get first prize.
I don't know if anyone else has as hard a time as I do containing my rage at those who were put on this earth to annoy us intelligent people. I'm pulled over on a side road downtown waiting for my DH to get his hair cut. It only takes about 2 seconds because he doesn't have any hair and his dresser is that damn good. (Shout out to Mike B.!) So I'm just waiting instead of parking because I'm cheap and don't want to give the City of Toronto any more money than I already do. Plus parking downtown is insane, both logistically and financially. So this yuppie douche bag comes FLYING around the corner and pulls up behind close that his bumper is almost touching mine (I know because I got out and looked). And of course he has this posh black car (may have been a Beamer, I don't know) but the funny thing is that he went around to ALL FOUR DOORS locking them. You'd think he'd have a remote...with that nice car and all. Unless he's a wannabe yuppie who could only afford the Beamer Lite package. :P Anyway, so I'm completely blocked in because I pulled up close behind the car in front of me because (a) there was no one parked in front of them; and (b) I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to park behind me where anyone turning onto the street could take off their back end! It's times like these that I wish it were legal to throw your car in reverse and floor it. How good that would feel! I would be satisfied with just slashing his tires. But, alas, there are laws.
Well, I've been very negative lately. Let's see if we can find some positives:
* I had sushi today
* the car didn't break down
* the grocery store had discounted Easter candy (mmm...peanut butter cups)
* the shoes I dumped detergent on are really clean
* there was sunshine today and the temperature was above freezing
* I didn't die in a freak elephant stampede or otherwise
I guess that's a start. You know, I keep notes throughout the day so I can remember things to tell you wonderful folks. I have some stuff down, but this post is too long already. I guess I'll wait for a day where nothing bad happens... *crosses fingers but doesn't hold breath*
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