Hello! And welcome back to My Life Sucks. I'm your host tonight! Now let's get started! Where were we the last time we left our hero? Ah, yes! Bitching about winter. Well, it hasn't gotten much better lately, but there hasn't been more snow!
On this episode of My Life Sucks we deal with rude customer service personnel, bad drivers, senior citizens and bank fraud...all in one day!
You know your day is going to suck if you wake up to find your internet is down. I will admit that I am an addict and that is the only step I am willing to take towards rehabilitation.
Next stop: Sobeys (for all you non-Torontonians, it's a grocery store) to pick up a couple things on sale. I got the RUDEST cashier EVER. Granted, she was probably in her teens and wasn't thrilled about being at work at 8am but still. When I worked at Dunkin Donuts I was there at 5am and still had a smile on my face (nevermind the fact that I was usually visualizing smashing jelly donuts in customers' faces). As if the bitchiness wasn't enough, my debit card didn't work. Luckily I had about $6 on me.
On to No Frills (grocery store number 2...because it'd be too easy for one store to have everything I need. And unfortunately I'm too poor to just say to hell with it). On my way to the store I almost get hit by some jackass in a red Prelude. He had to swerve into the other lane so he didn't rear-end me. That would've been fun.
Arrive at no Frills...SENIOR-RAMA! Plus everyone doing huge Easter shopping being the stores are closed tomorrow. Grab a cart, get in the door and am immediately smacked in the heels by a cart navigated by a man who only had wrinkles and denture paste holding him together. Oh stop moaning...I love old people. I do. But there comes a time where they either need to bring someone younger with them to say "Dad, watch out for that small goth girl" or they need to have their groceries delivered so they aren't driving cars or shopping carts. Shop shop shop. Try to use my debit card again...no luck. And then, on my way out, ANOTHER youth-challenged woman runs her shopping cart into my back. Mmmm hmmmm...it's a wonder I didn't end up on the news. Holy Thursday massacre in Toronto...only old people among the wounded....
Get home, drag in groceries. The stairs were cool when we first moved into the apartment but 2+ years later and the novelty is wearing off. It doesn't help that my cats try to kill me everytime I go up or down them. DH calls bank for me and woh hoh! Someone has fraudulently used my debit card and pin number to steal $500 out of our account. YAY!
Get back in car and go to bank. Get new card. Get back home and want to break something...preferably the thief's head. Apparently the investigation will take 2 weeks or so and we're out the money until they figure out what happened. Awesome. If anyone feels bad for me, feel free to send money. I'm kidding...ok, I'm not.
And this concludes today's episode of My Life Sucks. Thank you for watching and good night!
(Subliminal message: send me money)
(This production brought to you by: Send Me Money)
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