To make myself feel better I decided to teach myself to make animated gifs. Nothing like learning something new to stem the bile and anger rising inside you along with the carnal need for bloody revenge. Animated gifs are my anti-revenge killing! So I finish my thingie (animation? cartoon? art video?) and sent it to render or compress or whatever the hell it does. So it's whizzing and whirring doing its thang and then grinds to a halt. Just freezes. Did I save it? Nooooooo...cause that'd be smart. So hit escape, escape, escape, control alt delete, control alt delete...finally it comes out of its funk. Time to start over. Send it with trepidation to do whatever again ... And I don't know if anyone else does this but I sat VERY still. Like moving might screw up the internal program. I know it sounds irrational and weird but I do it! Or I'll walk the computer's not going to function properly with me staring at it.
Regardless, it worked and I got this:
The file size is too large to upload anywhere. And then when I lowered the quality it looked like shit. So I uploaded the lower quality one here and it doesn't animate. So I've given up. If you need me you can find me under the couch in a fetal position. But only bother me if you have ice cream and/or kittens...
Cat smilie from: DSO
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