So. I am f'in exhausted. I keep having these weird dreams which are so vivid I don't get any sleep. Photo above is Exhibit A. My dream last night: the differences between Sprite and ginger ale. Seriously? Seriously. And there was no one else in my dream. Just my dream-self thinking about the differences between the two. What. The. Hell?!?!? If anyone out there has a dream dictionary that covers soda wars please let me know.
Ok. Let's see. You all already know the shitty day I had yesterday. Well, just when I thought it was over (after I wrote the post), I had a bottle of soda (Ghetto Sprite* to be exact) explode all over me. Then my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was finally over. *store brand lemon-lime soda. I only buy the best.
Now for a treat! I'm pulling some stories/thoughts out of the vault. Stupid stuff I've done and weird ideas I've had. Ready or not, here I come!
I hate Listerine. I guzzled gallons of it when I got my tongue pierced. For those of you non-piercees, Listerine is needed to prevent the piercing from getting infected and your tongue turning black and falling off. So I hate Listerine. I hate the smell, the taste, everything. Well, I'm at the dentist's office waiting for my DH and I have to use the potty. (Yes. I said potty. Back off.) So I do what I do and then go to wash my hands. There was a Listerine bottle in there. I thought "Aw. How cute. They put the soap in a Listerine bottle because it's a dentist's office, etc. etc." WRONG! It was Listerine...and I washed my hands with it. Smart, I know. I never claimed to be MENSA material. Well, when I was looking for paper towels, I found the cups. Wish I had seen them before...that woulda tipped me off. So, I wash my hands with SOAP and dry them and they still reek. So I throw on some of this awesome hand cream I have. It's potent and smells like coconut. Bad idea. Now I had coconut encrusted Listerine hands. *sigh* At least DH got a kick out of me intermittently smelling my hands all day to see if they had de-stinkified.
As some of you know, I've been looking for work for...*checks watch* four months now. Long time, right? I'm starting to think I have a tail or horns I don't know about. The most I've gotten were two telephone interviews. One I had to take a weird test for. (note to self, do not agree to anymore personality tests which obviously get you nowhere) So I'm searching and searching...and I get so frustrated. Recruitment agencies have taken over Monster.ca and are starting their attack on Craigslist.com. The only site which seems immune is Workopolis which allows you to block recruiters. But anyway, this isn't the point of this little rant. The point is what employers want you to do for free. Yes. I said free. I'm talking about volunteer and internships. Now, I'm all for volunteering and interning...good for you if you can afford to work and not get paid for it. But some of the postings I'm talking about are full time positions and are work intense! I wouldn't do some of that work for $15/hr nevermind for free! I know, I know, the experience, it looks good on a resume, blah blah blah. If you are able to do it for free, you have too much money and need to come over and give some to me. My joblessness has allowed me to work on my art. Several of my creations are available at the Plastik Wrap boutique located at 2235 Dundas West in Toronto. My work can also be found at Kaotic Ekko's Curiosities. There isn't much up there yet, but it's coming! And you can see a bunch of my art, past and present, at We're All A Little Mad Here <-- shameless plugs, I know. :D
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